I feel that a rabbit is as important as any other animal but are disregarded and said to be an overgrown species but they are not as dumb as most people think, i personally have a pet rabbit who isn't even one years old yet but who i have noticed is quite different to my former pet rabbits because of the environment that each pet has been raised in as young.
For example the first few were raised by a woman in her back garden who took good care of the rabbits and allowed them to have space to run and do what is natural for them. These pet rabbits seemed to be afraid of humans, which i suspected, but more importantly were more immune to poisonous foods and illness. We allowed them to run free in our garden as they gained more and more trust in humans. They did not react so excitedly compared to my most recent rabbit which i mentioned at the beginning. He can sense if there is food or not and frankly he i more interested in that but that's whats different, he was raised in an environment surrounded by humans and therefor when he got lose he did not run and try to escape but was hesitant to even the slightest thing as fresh green grass.
But my overall opinion is that, well, like humans all rabbits are different and that is my own experience but it is one of many. these are wonderful creatures being tossed away as if they were nothing. I bet you didn't even know that in Paris there were rabbits on every scrap of grass until this Christmas when suddenly they all just disappear and nearly nobody in Paris cares let alone noticed... so theres something for you to think and reflect about.